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Dear beloved Souls



I A.M. Archangel Michael and I come by today to speak ofa very soothing Message and Inspiration for 2012 and after. As some of youalready know, I am the Protector of Children, as well as Mothers and also,Fathers. What is a Child to you? Do you have Children? Do you feel like you aremuch older and different than them?



All questions, that you will be reflecting on whenre-discovering the Child you once were. At these special Times, there are manyspecial Children who were born not too long ago. Many more are heading towardyour Planet for Incarnation, and they will help much with the Transition andChange of the World. Some of you call them "Indigo", others aretitled "Chrystal Children". But finally, all these are Names in orderto try describing something NON-PHYSICAL about these Children: Their Soul.



These dear Children, are like all other Children too,physically. But they carry more Light within their Souls. Some of them are veryold Souls, don't be fooled by their Age! They understand many "adult"issues, emotions and have a clearer Sight on Solutions often.



In general, Children see the World through Eyes ofCourage, Adventure, Fun, Wonder, Fascination, Love, Compassion and Fantasy. Allqualities that if kept alive inside your Soul during your earthly Journey, keepyou not only emotionally healthy and fresh, but also PHYSICALLY YOUNG. This isthe secret- all Manifestation starts from Spirit, and so, if your Spirit isclean, light and feeling young, your physical Looks will reflect it and theopposite.



If you are a Mother of younger Children, reading this,please remember to always teach and remind your Children of us, the Archangels.Teach them openly about us. Everything is opening up for 2012, Heaven and Earthare getting really close like they used to be and even closer this Time around.Teach your Children not just about nameless "Angels", but describe tothem as much as you know, and ask your Child/Children to call us for Protectionwalking home alone from Schools or any other place like Sports Field and soforth.



Now we want to go deeper into this matter and talk alittle bit about the "Inner Child", which is not a Child in thepreviously described way, but a part of you. Every Soul has female Energies,male Energies, and also child-like Energies. This aspect is the Inner Child.When some old friend of yours reminds you with a Story of your ChildhoodExperiences, you smile inside, this is the Moment, in the Moment you RE-MEMBER,that your Inner Child "comes out to play". But in the Dark Ages, thelast couple thousand Years, Fun and Play has been forgotten more and more, andI am very excited to see you re-discover your Innocence again. Try when youmeditate, to re-connect to your beautiful Childhood memories, imagine a specialDay, try to gather in your Memory all little details you can remember, andimagine yourself back in Time. If you did not have a positive Childhood filledwith Love, don't hesitate to call on me, ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, or my dearARCHANGEL RAPHAEL for Healing. My heart feels with you, for this has happenedto many Children over the Dark Ages, and often even on purpose by verydark-minded Souls. But Life is an Illusion, Time and Space is like a 3D Game,with 3D Glasses, you are wearing: You think it's real in the Moment, but whenyou Lift your Glasses, you know it's a "Game of Learning". Nobodyever said that CHILDHOOD is only for Children!



You can be a Child at any Time, in any physical Age. Youlived many Lifetimes, having good Memories, bad Memories, and before anyIncarnation, you were Children in Heaven. In your Mind, you can create a fun,entertaining Playground- a secret Place if you like, visualizing all the Colorsand Benches and Rides you love, and go there any time with your Mind/Fantasy.



Dare to DESIGN your Future, with the Tool God gave you:YOUR MIND- YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS- YOUR THOUGHTS.



Your true Magic is waiting for you to discover. Children dare to DREAM.Children BELIEVE with all their Heart and Soul. Children ask the rightQuestions. And, Children know how to have FUN in the Moment, knowing no Sorrownor Money-Thinking. Dance, as if you were a Child, an empty Book, waiting to becreated anew. Dance the Journey of Life and enjoy yourself!


If you need any Assistance to clear your Mind from all the Programming, whichhas been carved into your Mind by Society and it’s “Rules” over Time, call onme and/or my dear ARCHANGEL METATRON, the Master of the Mind and Thoughts. Youcan imagine Metatron sending a ruby-red, mixed with gold, fusioning andsurrounded by a diamond white light, sending it to you into your third Eye,located between your Eyebrows and ONE FINGER TIP above that point.



Any down-pulling Attachments in your Mind or Emotions orboth connected sometimes, I, ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, can gladly and happily ERASE.For this kind of Assistance, don’t hesitate to call on me, even if you are unsureif you do have any such Attachments. Then ask me to generally CLEAR YOUR ENERGYFIELD, WHICH THEN REFLECTS THE CLEANSING ON YOUR EARTHLY BRAIN ANDMIND/THOUGHTS/CONSCIOUSNESS.



I am the extended Will of God, coming with the highestCleansing Blue Fire of the Heavens. Close your Eyes, and try to SENSE, whereany such attaching chords are at in your Chakras and Body. Most of the time,when you have difficulty sensing it clearly, I advise you to start with yourthird Eye, as mentioned. Then, you see and sense more clear, and go to the nextstep by sensing where else you feel a darkening energy, grey or black or darkbrown, it can look individually different in your mind. Then, clearly ask me,ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, to use my Blue Fire to cleanse it for you. Decide foryourself, when doing this, clearly in your Mind/Free Will, that you ALLOW ME TOHELP YOU AND OPEN UP YOUR HEART TOWARD ME. Then, I can step in and cleanse anyattachment or negative energy from all of your Being.


Keep looking toward the Light- very good Times are coming to Planet Earth!
With all my Love, I A.M. ARCHANGEL MICHAEL.




通靈者:Susan Elsa


